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“INVEST YOUR TALENT IN ITALY” Scholarship (A.A. 2024/2025)

Invest Your Talent in Italy is a programme sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in partnership with ITA – Italian Trade Agency and Uni – Italia, with the support of Unioncamere (Italian Chambers of Commerce) and Confindustria (Confederation of Italian Industries).

Invest Your Talent in Italy offers a complete training opportunity, as it provides academic studies at prestigious Italian universities, as well as a period of on-the-job training, through an internship at an Italian company. Scholarship opportunities for the most deserving students, reductions / exemptions from university fees, student assistance services andtutoring for students enriches the program`s offer.

IYT Courses: Over 130 Master`s Degrees Courses offered in English
Fields of Study: Engineering / Advanced Technologies, Design / Architecture, Economics/ Management

Qualifications Required: A bachelor`s degree (of three or four years) and a good knowledge of English are required. Specific admission requirements will depend upon the degree course selected.

Until March 01, 2024.